Caroline M. Smith

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Shifting flavors


“Every experience, no matter how bad it seems, holds within it a blessing of some kind. The goal is to find it”

When I sit down in meditation I can really feel what part of me that are carrying the heaviest weight. I ask to come closer to were I feel the most and to dive deeper into that feeling, whatever arises. The areas that wants to talk to me is usually shifting from time to time but the last few weeks it has been an area between my heart and throat, almost in the same line as my collarbones. I try to move through it with breathing and awareness but it is still stuck and almost feels like thick clay. Tomorrow I will do a surgery to remove my thyroid since I have hyperthyroidism. It is almost like my body is longing for this area to break free, to shift in its own glory, to remove away obstacles that has kept me stuck in one spot. I have been waiting for this surgery for a while and even though a part of me is scared, I can´t wait to have it done so I can shift to a freer Me.

So in a time when you feel stuck, how do you taste it?

Can you feel yourself?

Allow yourself to sit down, embrace it and listen. Ask to move through the feelings of thickness and resistance. It maybe not go away but be with it. Sit with it. Meet it and listen what it has to say. Just by doing it something can shift.

All flavors life is giving us, all the moments of shifting, big as small is bringing us closer to the Self. It might just be the moments to give yourself that support to pause. To feel. To move deeper to an understanding or to taste the flavour of that feeling as it is. In Ayurveda ( ayus= life, veda= knownledge ) they are talking about six flavours: sweet, sour, salty, bitter, astringent and pungent. To fuel yourself with food that will keep you in balance and harmony, your need to have them all.

Isn´t it the same with life?
If we only tasted the salty and sweet, how would we feel?
Don´t we want to experience life in it´s richness to feel alive? And include it ALL?

“People say that what we’re all seeking is a meaning for life. I don’t think that’s what we’re really seeking. I think that what we’re seeking is an experience of being alive, so that our life experiences on the purely physical plane will have resonances with our own innermost being and reality, so that we actually feel the rapture of being alive.” ( -Joseph Campbell)

So sit with yourself. It is so easy to run away from the flavours we don´t want to taste. Navigate the whole spectrum of your being. Allow the moments of feelings to be nourish with what it is. This is yoga for me and that is what I try to mediate on and outside the mat. To live in the moments, in the flavours and taste them all. Because every moment is special and detailed and all moments together make a life. So every one of them counts. Move through them with purness and honesty Live them.

“Yoga is about study, connection, integration, understanding. It’s about prayer, love, compassion, and landing in our lives. It’s about listening to our hearts and hearing our own body cry for help. It’s about trusting our own intuition, then learning to believe in someone” ( -Elena Brower) 

And to taste all the flavours in life from the depth of trust in yourself.

Only Love,
